Thursday, July 14, 2011


I'm back!! In case you were wondering where I went, I had to stop my c25k training and following my weight loss program cuz I'M PREGNANT!!!  Yup, that's right! WOOHOO! I am so excited! I'm 8 weeks and yesterday I got to see and hear the most beautiful thing in the world--my baby's heartbeat! It brought tears to both my husband and my eyes. We couldn't believe it! I'm still sitting here with a big grin on my face remembering that thump-thump-thump and seeing the little flutters! Now I will try to remember to blog about my journey and how things are going. I am still trying to exercise at least 4 times a week--my goal is trying to walk 30 minutes everyday. It has gotten WAY to HOT to do this outside so we recently went back to our gym (it had been 368 days since we had been) and I walk on the treadmill. I've also had to change my eating habits! One great thing is I had learned to eat 6 small meals a day, which is what you want to aim for as well. My biggest thing is now I have to think and prepare 6 meals which include fruits and grains! It's definitely an adjustment, but oh so worth it!

So how am I feeling....well it seems that so far I am one of the lucky ones. I have had some days of really bad nausea to none at all. I am extremely fatigued most of the time too, but all this I hear is normal. Luckily I have not had much morning sickness yet--only one trip to the bathroom. Next week I start traveling for two and a half weeks, so I'm sure that's when things will start for me, just my luck. I'm heading to Tampa, and then to Orlando for a conference with the program that I coach people through. Then back to Tampa for a few days with dad, fly home for 3 days, then fly back to Tampa for our CRUISE! I'm so excited about the cruise, but also worried about the motion sickness, morning sickness and whatever might strike me while at sea! Needless to say I'm equipping myself with ginger tablets, sea-bands, and every pregnant woman's wonder drug--Zofran.

I am all ears for any tips, tricks, names, etc you might want to send my way! :) We can't wait to meet our bundle of joy!!