Saturday, May 21, 2011


Well, it's that time again. I haven't been on in a while and that usually means I'm ashamed at what I have to write! I have been really great getting up in the morning and starting my day off right with the Lord, and I'm almost done with my study of Paul (which means I need something new for my mornings!). I have had my days where I overslept, but tried to at least read the scripture for the day and prayed on my way to work. Where I have been slacking is my weight loss. I haven't been following my plan, which bums me out. I still have 25 lbs to loose and afraid that maybe its more. I don't want to weigh myself right now. Tonight is my step-dad's 50th bday and there won't be anything healthy about that so tomorrow I'm back on my horse. I have 25 to loose by July 20th when I go to the National Convention for Take Shape For Life...the cruise is the following weekend! Lots of things going on but it will all be worth it!

So I've been trying to figure out why I can't get myself on track. Stress and depression. Not severe depression but just really bummed about the struggles of trying to start a family. I need to get over myself cuz it's only been 6 months and many people I know have tried long and are still trying to find out there are more complications. I pray for us all! I need to turn this over to God and allow Him to work in my life. I feel certain he wants me to be a mother, I just need to find some patience! The hard thing is to not feel like a failure, like there is something really wrong with you. I keep feeling like it's our month and then hello aunt flow. I have  my yearly in October so if we haven't conceived by then I figure that's when I'll ask the Dr about the next steps. Hoping it doesn't come to that, but I also know there are alot of things out there that help. One of us might just be lacking in some vitamin or something...never know. So here's to the next 5 months...please be praying for us! Thanks!

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