Saturday, February 11, 2012

Downs and Ups

So I've forgotten to post for two weeks. First week back on plan was awesome. I stuck to my guns, drank TONS of water and ended up losing 7.2 lbs (190.4)! WooT! Well, that didn't last too long. The second week didn't go as well. I had up and down days of sticking to the plan which showed at the weigh in. I gained back 2.2 lbs, weighing in at 192.6. This week I'm back on plan. I've had several temptations and I keep telling myself NO. It hasn't been completely perfect as I've probably had a little extra approved snacks, but I'm getting better. I hate that this is a struggle for me! It's a daily battle that I have to prepare for every morning. If I don't mentally get myself ready to say NO or stay away, I'll cave. I need to lose this weight for me. I'm tired of the tight clothes and looking at the clothes I can't wear anymore cuz I gained it back. I want my closet back!!!

Two things I've joined to help keep me more on track. My coach has started a biggest loser contest. Every day we have to record if we were on program, the amount of water drank, and if we exercised. I absolutely HATE losing in any contest so this is helping. I don't want to put a zero down for anything! The other thing is Live Healthy Texas contest. You enter your weight and exercise and compete with others. I want to win that too. TJ is on my team, but the more the merrier!! Let me know if you want me to add you to our team! It's only $20 :).

The other big news is that I now have a full-time job. The school I have subbed at for about 4 years, added another aid position to their resource room. They asked me to fill it! I love it!! I've been there one week and will be there to the end of the year (except the one week I had a vacation planned). I'm excited for the opportunity to help the children we see :). They have all been welcoming and I now feel official as everything is all set up. This weekend I need to go find some organization things to take with me and stuff to put on the wall behind me! I love it!! (I think I said that once, but hey it's true!!!)

Now we're praying that this becomes a permanent job next year and not just a temporary position they have. We are also hoping to see the Lord open some doors for TJ to find a new job in his field. While Frito-Lay has been good to us, he would like to be able to find a job where he can use his passion for training and developing (he's really, really good at it!!). Also praying for my step-dad Mike, and my sister-in-law Laura to find a job that they will really enjoy and provide for their families! So far 2012 has been an amazing year for us, just praying other things that have been a challenge come together (having issues with worker's comp....TJ had surgery the beginning of January).

Until next time.....God Is Good.....All The TIME!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Here we go again....

Alright, truth time. I haven't posted in sooooo long, but I think that was partly that I didn't want to admit to myself what was really going on in my head. I've been struggling on and off. Some days are fine and I don't think about the miscarriage, other days I have a really hard time. Now we are nearing when the baby was due and I've had to have a reality check with myself. The past month though God keeps giving me little hints to maybe part of the why-- 1) TJ had shoulder surgery. Workers comp is making things difficult and he's not getting paid either. We have to fight that. He should get some short-term disability soon, but ugh. He also wouldn't be able to hold a baby very well cuz only one arm is usable at this point. 2) There is a possible job opportunity for me. I can't talk much about it, but afraid I wouldn't be considered (even though it's illegal), had I been 8 months pregnant and going to take at least 6 weeks off.

Unfortunately through the ups and downs, I have gained back pretty much what I had taken off last year. So, I'm back to square one. TJ and I started back on plan last Thursday, so weigh day is tomorrow. We have been supporting one another, taking walks, challenging each other with drinking water, and connected to a large support group (which is awesome!). This time the weight is coming off for good. I will not sabotage myself. We do plan to still try to start a family but this time I'm not doing the "I think I might be pregnant so I should add some extra stuff in case I am". It's 100% OP until I get that positive....then it's slowly adding what I need for the baby. It's about me being healthy!!!

My plan is to update the blog at least once a week on weigh days. Hopefully I get better at blogging!!!!